

Thank you for visiting Rheumatologyclinic.ca.

The information provided on rheumatologyclinic.ca is intended to provide general information on diseases and medications encountered in Rheumatology.  The website is not an all-inclusive resource and therefore does not suggest any specific course of treatment as such decisions are complex in nature and require an in-person visit with the specialist. As such, information obtained on this website should not serve as a substitute for medical advice obtained in person.  Any health related concerns should be addressed in a timely fashion with your physician. Should the physician not be available, patients are advised to call 911 or proceed to the nearest hospital and/or ER. Moreover, rheumatologyclinic.ca contains multiple links to sources on the worldwide web, however, rheumatologyclinic.ca is not responsible for the content of these sites nor does it endorse any products these sites may promote. The content rheumatologyclinic.ca may be amenable to change in the future.